Mohawk creating 380 jobs, investing $70 million in new Alabama fiber operation

Mohawk Industries will invest $70 million in Jackson County as part of an agreement provided to by the Alabama Department of Commerce.

The Georgia floor manufacturer will create 380 full-time jobs at its new fiber operation in the old Beaulieu America plant in Bridgeport. The permanent positions will pay an average annual salary of $35,813.

An analysis by the Alabama Department of Commerce projects the financial benefits of Project Treadstone, after accounting for incentives, will be as follows:

10 Years

  • Payroll: $131 million
  • Net economic impact (less incentives): $12.3 million
  • Return on investment: 96 percent

20 Years

  • Payroll: $285 million
  • Net economic impact (less incentives): $30.2 million
  • Return on investment: 207%

Under the Alabama Jobs Act, Mohawk will receive a 3 percent jobs credit and a 1.5 percent investment credit.

  • Jobs credit: $3.9 million over 10 years
  • Investment credit: $9.97 million over 10 years

Read the full article here.

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